Skill Or Will?!

Skill or Will?

What a person needs to be recognized? What is needed to get fame? What is the 1st step to reaching heights?
Is it the skill or will?

Skill: A person has a calibre to do/achieve a task and can do it on their own themselves with the T.A.L.E.N.T. they acquire making them stand out of crowd

Will: In this case, a person may lack resources or maybe don't get the right platform to showcase their talent and then are demoralised or underestimated! Which forces them to give up, and leave it.
But, it's their inner W.I.L.L. to do it and achieve what they have thought already!

Both, skill and will has it's own value in reaching heights! You may have the will to do something, but skill is needed to achieve it to it's best - i.e. 100% potential

In the other way round: you may have the best of the best skills to achieve what you think, but unless you don't have the will.. the motivation and the spark from the heart to do it... Irrespective of the skills from the best universities won't help you achieve the milestone!

Lesson to remember: Both skill and will play a major role in getting success - there will be a time, where neither you won't have the skill nor the will... But, then it would be the H.E.A.R.T. - the supreme of both the skill and will and give you what you deserve!

Have both skill and will! In the 21st century, where competition is something for which people can do anything SKILL AND WILL ARE NOT WANTS, THEY ARE NEEDS! 


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