Mistakes and The Society

Mistakes & The Society Whatever you do, some or the other person will not like it and consider that act as unfair, unjust maybe rude or any such thing.
The society always has something to say, irrespective of the task is useful/useless/beneficial/non-beneficial and would try their best to make you feel devastated!
This is not only because they don't want you to achieve that goal, but you are A.L.O.N.E. 

Most of the people are manipulated by the society and you are left alone in an abandoned situation. In such kind of situations, you don't know what is to be done, instead end up loosing hope and L.E.A.V.E. the project/task/goal in M.I.D.W.A.Y. 

Lesson to remember: Society has alot to say, but you have to achieve what you thought! Not the society.


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