
Communication, Communication  and Communication

The only word in the tongue of most aspiring youth. Communication is a necessary aspect in an individual's life, so that they can climb more towards their passion irrespective of their career fields!   

Whether it's from Army to Film Production, from Air Force to Athletics or any other field, communication plays a vital role in a person's day to day life. Whether you talk to someone, you are C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.I.N.G! 

If you are an Army Officer, you converse with your seniors and juniors including your own UNIT. If you opt for film production, you have a group of behind the scenes team to communicate with on top of that, a group of actors performing for you!

Communication just not includes speaking but also includes other important factors such as: 

1) Listening to others: If you don't listen to the other person, other person won't be ever comfortable speaking to you AGAIN.

2) Straight Talking: Just say what you wish to without making stories all around.

3) Non Verbal Communication: Basic form of communication such as writing, painting or dancing must be known.

4) Stress Management: The less stressed you are, more effective the communication is.

Remember: Communication works for those who work at it.


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